about Swansea zine fest
Swansea Zine Fest is a not-for-profit event held to celebrate fanzines and DIY self-publishing. The very first SZF was held in 2018. The organisers are three Swansea-based zinesters and activists.
A zine (pronounced “zeen,” as in “maga-zine”) is a self-published, small circulation, non-commercial booklet or magazine, usually produced by one person or a few individuals. Zines can include personal essays, political discussions, fiction, do-it-yourself tips, articles about music or movies, comics, poetry, reviews – anything under the sun!
Come along to buy and swap zines and DIY publications from a range of zinesters and creators from Swansea and further afield. We will also be holding some zine readings, craft space, free zine giveaways, and a chance to make your own zine!
· Free entry
· Wheelchair accessible venue
· Trans inclusive and autism inclusive space
· Open to all
The event is open to people of all ages; please note however that some content on sale and in the zine readings may not be appropriate for children so they should be supervised. Stallholders must be over the age of 18 but can be assisted by children and young people.